
AK-25 The New Skin Cancer Cure

Types of skin cancer:

1) Actinic Keratosis (pre-cancerous lesions)
2) Basal Cell Carcinoma
3) Squamous Cell Carcinoma
4) Malignant Melonoma

These are four of the different types of skin cancer that account for the
majority of skin tumors; however, there are more than these.

1) As stated and well known, Actinic Keratosis presents itself as a pre-cancerous lesion.
It is mostly associated with exposure to the sun. Actinic Keratosis, if detected early, is
usually not life threatening. If it is not detected or left untreated it can grow large and
invade surrounding tissues, metastasize or spread to internal organs.
People with less protective pigment (melanin) such as fair skin blonds or
those with red hair, and having blue or green eyes are at greatest risk. Also people who
have undergone previous chemotherapy, had organ transplants or have AIDS are at
understandably greater risk. Up until now there have been a number of treatments
for Actinic Keratoses with the decision of what treatment to use being made on the
nature of the lesion, ones age and ones overall health.

2) Basal Cell Carcinoma usually presents a small fleshy bump or nodule. It is
most commonly presented in Caucasians. It seldom occurs in dark skin people.
This tumor usually doesn't spread quickly but if left untreated it could
bleed, crust over, and the cycle repeats. This cycle could result in extending
to the bones or causing local damage; possibly both could occur.

3) Squamous Cell Carcinomas are usually presented as nudules or as red scaly patches.
They are the second most common skin cancers found in caucasians
and are not presented as often in dark skin people. This type can spread to other parts
of the body as well as the original point of presentation. As with other
disease, early detection and treatment couold help avoid much of the increase in
mortality now associated with skin cancer.

4) Melanoma is the most commonly presented and diagnosed cancer in The United
States. It has the highest death rate today compared to other skin cancers.
Melanoma is found in the melanocytes (the cells that color the skin). Although
it is usually presented in adults, it has been seen in children and adolescents.
Unlike the other types of skin cancer, Melanomas spread rapidly and transfer
to other parts of the body via the blood stream and lymph system.

There are many contributing factors to the development of skin cancer. As I have
previously mentioned, such factors include environment, heredity, exposure
to UV light, sunburns, diet and lifestyle.

Sunlight- some exposure is healthy, too much can be dangerous.

Heredity- family history and European heritage influence a higher risk.

Environment- ozone reduction raises UV light exposure on the earth's surface.

Elevation- the higher the elevation the greater is the danger of UV rays exposure.

Latitude- sun rays are stronger near the equator.

Cloud Cover- the greater the cloud cover the greater reduction in UV light exposure.

UV Rays- only UVA and UVB reach earth's surface.

UVB causes greater risk for cancer. When Checking ones body for possible signs
of skin cancer, one should be aware of any unusual sore, lump, blemish or other
skin marking, noting anyunwanted change in the skin. A skin cancer warning
might be a crusty, scaly, oozingor bleeding area; it may also feel itchy,
tender or even painful. With these symptoms it is important to seek
medical attention in order to ascertain if there is skin cancer
or if it might lead to skin cancer. The usual procedure would be to have a biopsy
taken from any irregular areas. The tissue sample should be examined under a
microscope and a determination made of the findings.

Until now there have been four main ways of treating skin cancer:
1) Excision (cutting out) surgery.
2) Electrodesiccation (monopolar high-frequency electric current).
3) Cryosurgery (freezing)
4) Radiation.

Previously many of the above treatment areas could have recurrences of cancer in
the same regions. Now, with the development of the AK-25 Compound, there is new hope.
This compound is proving to have the greatest potential in removing a great many of the
presently known forms of skin cancer, employing a non-invasive, non-surgical procedure.

For centuries, doctors and chemists have been hard at work to find a cure for
this common disease: "Skin Cancer". The compound AK-25 is going to
change many medical terms now in use. AK-25 is a revolution in medicine.
Every doctor is going to use and prescibe it.

Some of the methods used up until now have consisted of ice, laser or simple
operations where the affected area is surgically removed. However, in many of
these cases growth of the disease would reappear, while scarred tissues would
remain indefinitely. The skin was left scarred because the use of dry ice or laser
as a cure was harsh and damaging.

During research after extensive experimentation, I have developed a compound,
100% of which is made from chemicals, that could help cure most skin cancer.
The compound works in a less invasive manner, and leaves healthy skin
unharmed and the treated areas soft to the touch after treatment is completed.

My first discovery was made in 1971. While working on this formula, I conducted
several experiments on myself. I had a mole on the left side of my face; when seen by a
doctor friend, he wanted to surgically remove it. One month later, this doctor noticed
that the mole was no longer there. He thought that I had another doctor remove
it. To his surprise, I informed him that it was done with my discovered compound. I also
informed him that I had tested the compound on several other people and that the results
were successful.

Developing something to remove moles and other kinds of undesirable skin growths
including skin cancer was my ultimate goal. This is a miracle compound. This
discovery could avoid painful or unsafe operatons, making many skin cancer surgical
procedures now being performed, unneccessary.

As mentioned earlier, this compound consists of 100% chemical ingredients.
There have been no negative side effects seen. Tests also showed later that exposure
to the sun or heat had no increased negative effects on the treated areas. In most
cases the sun would actually interact normally with the treated area helping the body
absorb useful Vitamin D stimulating better blood circulation.

It is my sincere hope and expectation that this miracle compound AK-25 be useful to
the world at large.

Trump Letter

See Images of Skin Cancer Sufferer
